HAPPY 2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY SWEETHEART!yesyes, it's our 2 year anniversary:D muackssssss
anyway, we went out today.
(i pon-ed school>.<) For people who know us, we hardly celebrate out anniversary. Cause we don't really feel the needto. But we made an exception this time. Actually it's not really a celebration today. We just went
Orchard Hotel for hi-tea and that's all. Simply cause we both have school tomorrow:S
Was really full after the hi-tea. And, before we went for it, we reseved a cake for my mummy:D
Her favourite mango cake! It's delicious okay! The last time we went Orchard Hotel we ate that too:D
Went to take MRT after that:D When we reached Simei, the doors of the MRT just wont open for like 3 minutes. So i kinda laughed at him. End up, the damn train wont move. So i sms-ed him and he laughed at me>.< After almost 10minutes then they say got train fault, all passengers please alight:S So many people! Btw, yesterday went jiewei's house for mahjong. Nothing much though. Stayed a while only:S Cause shanny had to go home. So we also leave loh;x Andand, i'm freaking having a stupid flu and headache. *faints*




He;s making my rojak!

He's protective of his mussels

Tada! It's only one of the plates okay! He took 2 plates of it in total:x

There's pocky there and this is something like cheese stick:D