Finally changed the image above again. Despite it being too long, it spoils the layout, i still love the picture. I took this picture myself. On the 10th floor lift lobby, i took this. It was an awesome scenery. I swear i took it myself.
Perhaps i need a new reason.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Legal 18 or Forever 17?
Today's like the last day of the year. Much thoughts on the last day of the year. Not exactly a good thing though. Actually i already decided to just fuck care everything about it. But suddenly it's coming back to harass me-.-
Turning 18, not really much of a difference to me at first. But now, i see the difference. Yeah, the big fucking difference. No, not the difference in the sense that we can go drinking, buy cigarettes, go clubbing openly. Not that we can take that IC of ours out and let them check without having to fear that we'll be asked to get lost by the bouncers. Yeah, i won't deny that I wanna go drinking openly. Before i turned 18, when we went to clarke quay and drink, we're afraid that they'll ask to check our IC. Now, check for all i care, bitch.
But also because of such things, it makes me realize what cheap trills are? Being able to drink without getting caught, going to the supermarket to buy liquor without being checked IC. & having simple enjoyments during events.
Last year during Christmas, we were drinking simply away at Jasmine's chalet probably spending less than $50. This year, we were drinking at Alegro and went clubbing at Rebel, spending an average of $75 per person. Last year's new year countdown, we were at East Coast Park counting down to being the first to wish Jason happy birthday. Having dinner at lagoon, eating clams away with stingray. Followed up sitting along a pavement talking about life and Abracadabra's MV. And on new year day, we were checking into Jason's chalet. This year, gonna be counting down at Powerhouse, spending more than $75 each person.
So that's what growing up is about? So that's what being legal meant? That you have to celebrate events at such places. Forgetting the simple places we used to spend at? Those simple places before we turned 18. Who said that when we turned 18, we can't go back to those lives? Who said we'll have to be spending our lives drinking and splurging at some clubs/pubs?
Turning 18, not really much of a difference to me at first. But now, i see the difference. Yeah, the big fucking difference. No, not the difference in the sense that we can go drinking, buy cigarettes, go clubbing openly. Not that we can take that IC of ours out and let them check without having to fear that we'll be asked to get lost by the bouncers. Yeah, i won't deny that I wanna go drinking openly. Before i turned 18, when we went to clarke quay and drink, we're afraid that they'll ask to check our IC. Now, check for all i care, bitch.
But also because of such things, it makes me realize what cheap trills are? Being able to drink without getting caught, going to the supermarket to buy liquor without being checked IC. & having simple enjoyments during events.
Last year during Christmas, we were drinking simply away at Jasmine's chalet probably spending less than $50. This year, we were drinking at Alegro and went clubbing at Rebel, spending an average of $75 per person. Last year's new year countdown, we were at East Coast Park counting down to being the first to wish Jason happy birthday. Having dinner at lagoon, eating clams away with stingray. Followed up sitting along a pavement talking about life and Abracadabra's MV. And on new year day, we were checking into Jason's chalet. This year, gonna be counting down at Powerhouse, spending more than $75 each person.
So that's what growing up is about? So that's what being legal meant? That you have to celebrate events at such places. Forgetting the simple places we used to spend at? Those simple places before we turned 18. Who said that when we turned 18, we can't go back to those lives? Who said we'll have to be spending our lives drinking and splurging at some clubs/pubs?
If this is what it means, i wanna be forever 17. I wish every year was like last year. Not-so-luxurious events, yet enjoyment.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Christmas is O-V-E-R ):
Coming up next is New Year. Gonna party again(: My god, money flying far far away to a place that i do not know of): Hurhur!
On the 24th, went down to Clarke Quay with clique and drank at Alegro again): Then followed by clubbing at Rebel. It was okayokay laaaa. But all of them were like saying that PowerHouse is much better. So, more likely we'll be going Powerhouse on the 31st i think? Ohwell:S
Actually, i am very long to blog now, shall blog another day~ Cause i wanna go watch my jungle fish and my fair lady<3
Coming up next is New Year. Gonna party again(: My god, money flying far far away to a place that i do not know of): Hurhur!
On the 24th, went down to Clarke Quay with clique and drank at Alegro again): Then followed by clubbing at Rebel. It was okayokay laaaa. But all of them were like saying that PowerHouse is much better. So, more likely we'll be going Powerhouse on the 31st i think? Ohwell:S
Actually, i am very long to blog now, shall blog another day~ Cause i wanna go watch my jungle fish and my fair lady<3
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Met up with this sotong today<3
She's noneother than my wifey(:
Finally went to catch Rapunzel after hearing loads of friends telling me it's nice. So yeah, tada! We were supposed to meet at1, and catch the 3 pm movie. But, end up, i woke up at like 12.55? Cause i slept at around 4am>.< Turns out that ms sotong also woke up late cause she slept late too. Haha, i think it's just youngster's habit to sleep late wake up late.
But anyway, met up at 2.20, but decided to catch the 5.10 movie cause i haven't eaten my lunch. So, ate my lunch at shilin taiwan food and we wanted to find somewhere to slack around. Ended up with went to NewYork NewYork to eat Mudpie << sotong's favourite(:
Alright, most of my friends know i don't have much of a childhood. I didn't watch pokemon, i don't like barney, i dislike Hi5, i have never flown a kite (yes, up till now), i have never done much. In fact, there's a whole lot more that i haven't done before. Sad life right. Well, i don't know why not watching pokemon is a major no childhood thing, but apparently, ALL my friends that have a very fulfilling childhood watches pokemon. It makes me feel deprived. Dearboy loves barney-.- Even though i'm a huge fan of purple, but i'm not a fan (at all), about that huge dinosaur called barney.
So, sotong and i went on to do something that revives childhood. I swear it's the first time i did it. So i kept asking sotong how to do this and that. Tsk, i feel deprived now. Someone bring me to revive childhood please):
Movie at 5.10(: Awesome. After that, roamed around the arcade, nothing much. Difference between having clarence with us and not with us. We'll spend 10minutes in the arcade without him. With him and those boys, mygod, we can spend 30 minutes there, watching people race. >.<
Home after that cause Sotong is having dinner with her parent. Tada, i'm home. My mum thought i was joking when i said i was on my way home, sad right! ):
Peektures! Mostly with Jiaqi(:
Hearts! <3
Paint for the artwork
Mine, it's my virgin attempt! (:
Her gift to me(:
My gift to her(: Feels inferior>.<
That's all for now(:
Sunday, December 05, 2010
I've been thinking a lot. And i really mean A LOT. Yes, the only think i want to do, is to delete all this feelings. Sometimes i wish i didn't have a heart. Then it probably won't hurt, EVER.
Sometimes i just feel like ranting out everything, like, just say everything out. Be it on my blog, on messages, or not any social networking sites. When i'm about to do it. I find nothing coming out. I turn speechless. Like, idk what the shit is wrong with me, am i too sensitive, think too much or what. Seriously, i feel like i'm about to go crazy-.-
Thursday, December 02, 2010
In your life, you meet people. Some you never think about again. Some, you wonder what happenend to them. There are some that you wonder if they ever think about you. And then there are some you wish you never had to think about again. But you do.
Ditto that! I mean, you gotta agree right?
Had a chat with PeiYun just now while studying. After leaving secondary school, we lost contact with quite a number of them. There are some friends that we wonder is even alive at this point of time, are they still schooling? How are they living on? Layhan is like the perfect example please-.-
Some, i guess we just can't be bothered with them, simply cause they are nothing. No, it's not cause we're cruel. But there are really people whom you don't have to bother about them at all.
There are also friends whom we had bad memories with. You just wished you could move on your life with it. But the past just keeps haunting you. The more you wanna forget, the more it haunts you.
MST is just round the corner, feeling rather stressed more or less. But i kinda just don't have the mood to study or the motivation to start.
Someone motivate me please!
Ditto that! I mean, you gotta agree right?
Had a chat with PeiYun just now while studying. After leaving secondary school, we lost contact with quite a number of them. There are some friends that we wonder is even alive at this point of time, are they still schooling? How are they living on? Layhan is like the perfect example please-.-
Some, i guess we just can't be bothered with them, simply cause they are nothing. No, it's not cause we're cruel. But there are really people whom you don't have to bother about them at all.
There are also friends whom we had bad memories with. You just wished you could move on your life with it. But the past just keeps haunting you. The more you wanna forget, the more it haunts you.
MST is just round the corner, feeling rather stressed more or less. But i kinda just don't have the mood to study or the motivation to start.
Someone motivate me please!
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Ohno, fuck. Just checked ibanking for both banks ( like finally ). Didn't exactly realise how much i've been spending until i checked both banks-.- I owe the bank 200 dollars now): Okay, not exactly owe to the extend that i owe the bank due to credit cards spending too much or whatever. But, it's like, been spending too much when i'm supposed to save. Thus, having to pay back $200 to myself = pay to the bank. Shit.
ARINA! Control spending! ):
Then again, i just remembered, i ordered things from blogshop and it's been a couple of days already, why isn't it arriving like yet?! ):
Then again, i just remembered, i ordered things from blogshop and it's been a couple of days already, why isn't it arriving like yet?! ):
Just edited the blog background and main picture. It's nothing much actually. Just wanted to put up photos. Don't worry if your face is not there. The picture will change from time to time.
Shall blog more tomorrow.
Actually, i need to study tomorrow! ):
Awww, i'm gonna sleep. Tired fuck. Nights world!
Shall blog more tomorrow.
Actually, i need to study tomorrow! ):
Awww, i'm gonna sleep. Tired fuck. Nights world!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
It's almost 2 and i'm still awake. I should probably be in bed soon cause i had work today and i wanna try studying like, tomorrow? If that could happen. But anyway, i guess more than half of my friends encounter such an issue:

Oh yes, the day just seems like a much more motivational timing to sleep, especially when we're in the lecture room, the lecturer's voice, the air condition room, it's just perfect environment for napping!
But i must say I've been a really good girl in class cause i did not sleep! :D
Oh yes, the day just seems like a much more motivational timing to sleep, especially when we're in the lecture room, the lecturer's voice, the air condition room, it's just perfect environment for napping!
But i must say I've been a really good girl in class cause i did not sleep! :D
Thursday, November 25, 2010
I typed a pretty long post about it.
But it still isn't the way. So i decided that this is enough.
You are not the best brother i ever had.
To others, you may be the best, cause you doted on them.
But you're the best-est to me, in your own ways.
You didn't dote on me the most.
But i'm pretty contented.
Others like a brother like you, but i think you suck.
But you're special brother to me.
Just like how i call you "Jie" instead of "Kor".
You're probably the best brother i can ask for.
Cause you are you.
If anyone asked, which brother is the one you love the most?
I'd say it's you.
Cause you're special in your own ways.
Though you ain't angelic, but you're an angel to me, in yourself.
You said that the sister that stands out most, is the one that treats you really well.
& I know I don't.
But, to me, you stand out the most:)
Sometimes, even if we know we don't mean a lot to someone else. They could mean a lot to us.
That's the irony.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
BaoShan Darling's Birthday Celebration @ Clarke Quay:D
See, i take so nice.
He was supposed to help us (girls) to take photo. But they ended up taking themselves-.-
Ricky take not nice):
@ the heart of clarke quay deciding where to go.
imma learned person with specs on yoh!
The hand there looks wrong):
You're so cute:D
Jiewei looks like a tard here, but i loike:D
Shanny got tricked): Go Fb see the video. Might post the video up on my blog soon!
Her hard earned ice cream.
Champions FTW!
Hihi, group photo:D
Seong looks cute here:X
We're all not cerevisaphile.
I loike the way the tower is, so cooolll siol!
Golden Ale beer:D
Cheers everyone! To BaoShan's birthday:D
Shanny's favourite:D
Zara was trying to show off her ring. Jiewei feels otherwise and provides alternatives:X
She look like she just scored a goal.
Honestly, this is total candidness.
Like this muchmuch!
Like this muchmuch!
Cheers to being a man!
Now, imma man!
One table,
Another table!
I tht this was cute.
But this is cuter:D
And i dumbingly did it with him-.-
This way to empty your tanks
Suitable for the mediocre(s)
I'll throw you down.
Ricky: I wanna try throw you down leh!
I think he's dumb, pure dumb
Woahwoah, heated uh!
Exclusive, not on the menu:D
The birthday boy and girl gets free shots:D
Nice colour right!
Everyone! :D
Getting ready for another round of shots.
Cheers baby!
MadJacx - Awesomest shit.
Cute cute:D
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