Met up with ZhenBang and Ricky to have lunch! Mac for lunch, what an awesome lunch! Headed to buy stingray at NTUC, marinated it when i got home. Usually the uncle will remove one side of the side, but this time, the uncle didn't! So, yeah, FML. I had to spend so much time and effort removing the skin. Tsk! Wonder if people even appreciate it man.
Headed to buy food with people. I felt so out of place. So, don't belong there. No one from my clique came and help me. Clarence was playing maple. Seriously, fuck maple okay. Met with kind of shits. They are not the usual kind of people to think in the appropriate manner i suppose? I just didn't like being there. Headed down to Clarence's house after that. Felt much better after i saw Janus and Wenyong. It's like a relief. Afterall that's where my safety bubble belongs.
Janus set up fire, i cooked. They sat around. Honestly, i dislike people who don't contribute. Don't misunderstand, i'm not pointing fingers. Just, thoughts.
Drinking in the night, Ricky kept giving Zhenbangb shots.Don't feel like elaborating much. Cause it wasn't entirely an awesome night. Just, so many things to worry, so much constraints. Maybe it's cause we're with a bunch of people that we were not too comfortable with. Anyway, headed up to Clarence's house cause it looked like was gonna pour. Then, Zhenbang got high, He getting high i can understand. But, when others around him can't control him, then it's a downright disturbance to other people's family.
Headed down to the swimming pool area when they were getting way too noisy. Eventually, we were chased away by the security before we even started drinking. Zhenbang puked into the drain by the pool. Q walked in the other pool. Qi had a headache due to drinking too much.
Split our ways and headed to Clarence's house while they went over to Benson's house. Zara was right, we should have split up right from the start. If it weren't for Ricky who wanted to drink together, we prolly would have split. Then i probably wouldn't even have to seek your thoughts in regards to me bringing Q down-.-
Texas with the guys, while the rest slept. Ganged up to make Janus drunk:P it was as though we hit jackpot. However, we had to endure with his nonsensical disturbance to all of us. *Sigh* Mac breakfast!
Cabbed home in the morning at around 9! Slept at around 12-1. Woke at 4. Seriously sleep deprived! But, anything for HP! Sorta late for the movie cause we were off schedule:/ So we rushed here and there. But we managed to make in just in time. Really is just in time:D Jiewei was late though):
After movie, Lai Lai @ Liang Seah Street! It was supposed to be Ah Chew dessert! ): Headed home after that! :D
Ohhh, not forgetting WenYong's classic Solar bear! The bear runs on solar powers! So cute! I can imagine the bear! hohoho!