Tuesday, April 03, 2007

i'm now at tecc the mac with jiejie and shan.
clar went back be his guai kia.
go for his dumb tuition.

jiejie was forcing shan to eat fries.
so mean of him.
shan said she can't eat"fry food"
then her french fries became..
"french fry"

interesting words.
i swear i won't use them in my compo.
if not comfirm fail.

shan just poked me because of it.
here comes again..
jiejie helps me(:
how nice of him.
he is asking shan not to cry.
like she will cry like that.
i'm saying she is strong okays!
then she gives me that dumb cheeky smile=S
then she beat me for nothing.

then there are some dumb kids in mac.
most likely sec 1[s] larhs.
blasting music.
quite dumb larhs.

then there is a group of dumb girls from chongzheng primary staring at one another.
so lame.
i see a tortoise with them.
it must be suffering now.
cause the poor little tortoise have to see those dumb girls eat their french fries.
jiejie.. at least i'm smarter than them.
i dun mistreat the tortoise like them.
not like janus.
make until my tortoise wan to do "fen sheng shu"
jiaqi baoshan doesn't understand the meaning of that.
she is dumb.

poke again.
all that dumb baoshan knows is to poke people.
no creativity.

primary kids are reading teenage.

shall end now.

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