Had a test during chinese then got back our common test results. I guess i did quite badly? After that was triple periods of english.
Ms Jeanie Wong came back. i was super happy. there's hope for my poa already. She helped to drag time also. Goodgood.
After recess had triple periods of POA. Then followed by chemistry. Quite some things happened during chemistry. Shan't mention. Lessons ended at 3plus. Went to eat sakae with SENGIE,BAOSHAN,RICKYand CLARENCE. Some unhappy things happened on the way there. I think i was just in a super terrible and depressed mood. Even when i smile and laugh all the time, it doesn't always mean that i'm happy.
After sakae went to popular with them before going out seperate ways. Baoshan went to Whitesands for her theory lesson, Ricky came with us before running away with jasper when he saw them. Sengie when home. Clarence sent me home before going home for his tuition.
And, his dad is back! so i don't have to wake up at 5.30 anymore. YAY!
Time for some pictures.((:
Change Airport Terminal 3: layhan&me
kissy kissy
sengie and me with kissy face
baoshan, me and sengie! the trios
o.O the kisses. DEARIES for LIFE
english lesson: zara and me :t
a proper photo.
zara's madness during english lesson
chemistry. REDOX
sengie and me. on the train.
clarence and me
kissy kissy face(:
i intended to take clarence. BUT, spot that girl there.
ricky is not avoiding the camera, e's merely running away from baoshan's paws.
ah boy, say no fuck.
ah boy and me :D
ricky, me and clarence
red and yellow ferrari
red ferrari
yellow ferrari
the back of the yellow ferrari. Cool right?
clarence with the clip
ricky, whole day play game only.
baoshan's monkey face with sengie's kuku face.
sengie; my nightmare!
ricky with my clip
ricky with my clip on acting cute only.
ricky, baoshan and sengie's kukuface.
a proper photo of them((((:
that's all for today(:
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