Okay, lessons on monday are seriously a waste of time okay. Let me tell you why. Law is totally rubbish since no one can understand what bubble sing is saying. IT for property industry is even worse. what the lecturer teaches, we all already know. It's just damn lame. Was super irritated in class today. Cause, suddenly when we went for class. The lecturer say there's a test. I didn't come last week, on the hell i know mannnnnn. Nevermind. he say say say, something about 30%. I totally sian diao. It was easy though didnt come last week. Cause it's common sense.
After school met Zara, asked Jiewei along, meet Layhan at ikea. Meatball! Finally got to eat them after craving for idk how many weeks>.< Woohoo, no school tmr~
@ Secret recipe
With Zara♥
@ Orchard Ion
Jasmine& Me.

Ice cream.

The famous tako balls:D

Fish&Co halloween theme. Cool right?!
@Aloha Loyang

The pavilion.

It was unplanned.
Pastamania @ Ehub 

My Marinara. But is not darren cook de):

Artist @work

My phone^.^ Thanks jie~
@ 264 

Happy Birthday^.^

Ricky, Clarence, Me, Jiaqi, Yiyan, BaoShan, Janus, Zara, JieWei.

Ricky, Zara, BaoShan, JiaQi, Janus, YiYan, JieWei, Clarence.


Family Portrait:D

Me, Jiaqi, BaoShan.

They were supposed to take pic for us=.=

It was supposed to be the 3 girls only=.=

Me, Janus, Jiaqi



Started like this.



My poor boy):

Boxers from ZARA. Damn cute okay!

Okay, they love each other.

Very much.


Clarence and his xiaolaopo^.^
Gentle reminder for explict content>.<

@ Jiewei's house.


Love♥ Vodka♥

Raspberry Vodka. Not my favourite):

They are only obsessed with the light, I swear!
Lastly, Happy 17th Birthday to Clarence!