Sunday, August 29, 2010
honestly, not sure who reads my blog, there was a period where alot of people keeps coming to my blog. Now, I'm not too sure. But, sometimes, I hate how people will keep questioning me on my Facebook updates, my blogger posts, referring to who etc. You can ask me, sure. But sometimes it gets Annoying when I don't feel like talking about it and yet, you are over there, bugging me And, ( getting on my nerves!) so, next time I say stop probing, then stop it. This is one Thing that makes me keep seeing the cons of blogging. Feels so suffocating that sometimes I can't post my heartfelt words. Just to avoid integoration.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Don't laugh too hard. You might die. You've been warned. Nahiakhiakhiak!
In case you don't know. Imma die hard fan for JoKwon, Adam Couple.
So, videos of JoKwon ssanti is an essential. kkap dance! ftw!
Seriously, wtf! hahahaha!
Gee, epic sia!
Aww, kwonnie jealous!
2AM & 2PM love^.^
Taecyeon: ”Looking for Junsu who’s gone missing! Left the hotel room with all his clothes left behind!”
JoKwon: *no reply ):*
Junsu: ” - Looking for Taecyeon who’s gone missing! Left the hotel room with all his clothes left behind!”
JoKwon: ”Puhaha kekeke”
Nichkhun: ”Looking for Junsu and Taecyeonie who’ve gone missing! Left the hotel room with all their clothes left behind!”
JoKwon: “What is this? Kekekeke”
Chansung: “Looking for Junsu-hyung, Taecyeonie-hyung and Khunnie-hyung who have gone missing! Left the hotel room with all their clothes left behind! ㅠㅠ…”
JoKwon: ”You’re bored.”
Junho: ”Looking for Taecyeonie-hyung, Junsu-hyung, Khunnie-hyung and Chansungie who’ve gone missing. Left the hotel room with all their clothes left behind!”
Jokwon: “Hehehehe what?”
2PM Manager: ” - Looking for Taecyeon, Junsu, Khun, Chansung and Junho who are missing.”
JoKwon: ”Oh cute! Keke”
2PM Manager: ” - Wooyoung-ah~ you too take off your clothes.. To be continued…”
Jokwon: *no reply ):*
That's all for now. Shall keep some for future posting. Heehee!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Thanks to those who hated me, you made me a stronger person.
Thanks to those who loved me, you made my heart bigger.
Thanks to those who envied me, you made my self-esteem grow.
Thanks to those who cared, you made me feel important.
Thanks to those who worried, you let me know that you care.
Thanks to those who left, you showed me that not everything is forever.
Thanks to those who stayed, you showed me the meaning of true friends.
Thanks to those who entered my life, you made me who I am today.
Anyway, im finally willing to insert in the links after how blogger treated me the other time (after doing up the whole page, it couldn't save! Imagine how pissed i was. I did alot more than what i'm doing now. TSK!)
One more day of work, then i can finally go on break for.. Around a month? Other that on the 10th! Henry asked me for help on that day. Feeling dreadful, but don't really wanna leave him to die either. Dilemna:S
Hey, just fuck off alright. My life's better off without you. You're a total nuisance and a disturbance to my life. Really, stop acting like a 3 year old child and think wisely. Bitch.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
It freaking tells you there's html problem/ the loading can't finish porcessin/ so much more.
Ends up, whole post gone. So yeah, it's just as a safety precaution. So, yeah, it's really a bitch.
Ending off with this:D

It's kinda blur here, but actually it's clear okay! Blogger sucks nowadays.

I know there are repeats. Some of them are in the album! That's why repeat(:
So now there's the magnum craze. Everyone's feeling rich:D
Peiyun - Gold, Mine - Hazelnut.
So, at work. We continue the spirit.
BUT as today is a sway day. I'm very sad. Cause while walking to 201 to meet darling, i was holding alot of things. And, my itouch slipped outta my hand. One of the edges, got scraped. The skin came off, i think it scratched the itouch directly. Wah, fucking sad. It's beyond desciption man! I don't know if it can be covered under the 30day warranty. But, i'm just gonna try man! ot gonna let a chance slip by.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
So.... Photo treat. Mostly photos will do the talking.
TianHang, JunLin, Shafiqah, Sandra.
They were the earliest to reac. (amongst USS peepok)
Is the air upthere much fresher?
Best Self-Entertainment ever. Serious. Talking TOM!
Newly Wedded Sandra.
It's cuteness speaks for itself.
Total ass and retard. But still, you're my buddy!
I have to say that he's ever cool.
Waiting for my cakey~
Hihi weijie. I see you everyday, now i have to see your picture also-.-

Make a wish. I could really use a wish right now.



LaoPo <3

Love <3
Uss family:D
My dearest family. Been there for me all along. Though alot of you are not in there):
*Missing: Baoshan, Janus, YiYan*
<3 love you all!
<3 love you girls forever:D
I like this photo and the previous one very much:D
Additional character spotted: PeiYun
Additional character spotted: Zara.
Additional character spotted: Yiyan
All omitted. Character added: Clarence.
Full collection.
While he was smiling to the camera.
We're planning to give him a thousand years of pain.
*thousand years of pain: you all understand if you watch naruto*
No matter how many times i see this photo, im in love with yiyan's heart, It's perfect.
Act cute family.
I would love to kiap this boy home.
I'm lovin' it.
Bad ass.
I love these polariods:D
Doesn't it look picture perfect.
Yeah, imma pervo. I'm lifting her skirt.
Present from USS family(:
Gay-ed. Commonly spotted in my clique.
Doesn't it spell cuteness?
After years, finally a proper photo of them. It's a nice one:D
Oh, that's my darling's butt):
It's a typical maplestory >.< face. hahah, Epic.
It's just candid.
Men sheng.
Jiewei: hie, wtf? *face cramps*
Apparently, we were drinking liquor. And yan's face was like, cherry tomato red. But it can't be seen here): Sadded!