Ohwell, it's a fact i won't deny.
But it's all O-V-E-R now :S
Results, GPA's out. I would say i improved(: Shall be happy about it. Even though my GPA is still like shit thanks to the previous sem, but i think i should at least stay the same, and improved ( from this sem )
Meeting Clarence tmr to go AMKhub. After that supposed to go Duncan's house to play Little Big Planet, but plans are currently being soaked! Cause Duncan is not fwreeeee~
I kinda feel bad for ps-ing Baixiang and gang. I'm sooooooo Sorry. I think when i go to work on Friday, he's so gonna take my head down ('',) But, i think Weijie, me and Sandraaaa darling is gonna go get the pressies on Thursday instead. And getting the rest of the things on Friday with BaiXiang! (Y) Hope everything goes well on Friday(:
Been thinking alot recently, ohmy, is this what happens after you turn eighteen? Or just me? :O When i start thinking alot, it ain't good! (like obviously?) But i don't wanna talk about anything here. I wanna keep a little secrets to myself, for now at least. Haha, they don't stay long though:P
Anyway, plans for this week, you don't have to bother. But anyway, happening(s) this week! :
Wednesday: Going out with Darling
Thursday: Going out with Sandra & Weijie, probably dinner with TianHang and BaiXiang after that?
Friday: No life work, Buying present with BaiXiang
Saturday: No life work, Clarke Quay with ZD & gang (to be comfirmed) <- It's his birthday, so i guess i have to oblige? :S
Sunday: I need to take off, Seriously. Otherwise, my head will be aching half the time!
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