Suddenly lotsa thoughts dawned upon me just now. In a couple of months, we'll be separated. Not for a while. but probably what seems forever. Yeah, people may say that, you can still keep in touch even though the other person is no longer with you physically. But, let's just face it up alright? You're gonna be half a globe away. When we're about to wake up to go to class/work, you're about to go to rest. You may say that you'll come back. But, when you come back, the most you can stay is only a couple of days. At most, a couple of weeks. That's about it! Right, stay as close as always, I would love to believe these sweet little lies we always tell each other. Deep down, you know it's never gonna happen, it's never gonna be the same. Everything is gonna change in that moment you board the flight. I'm probably expecting a teary goodbye, judging from the fact on how i feel like tearing up right now.
& to you who never knew you meant as much. Seriously, you mean a lot to me. A whole lot more than what you imagined to be. Losing you, it's definitely not the same. No one can replace you. I love how i can whine about anything under the sun to you. How you'll tell me your troubles. I love how i could read what you're thinking. But, the moment i lost the ability to see through your thoughts, i knew i lost you. That's when i kinda lost a part of myself, cause it's so weird without you. You said i could cope and go back to normal, to the period before i met you. But, i doubt i can, cause you mean so much to me.
Sometimes i feel upset and super disappointed that you forsake me because of someone else. I was condemned, not for my own mistake, but for someone's else foolishness. Where i'm not given the chance to prove that our friendship won't be affected by anyone else.
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