I'm pretty sure some of you know that I'm pretty obsessed with such cars. I go.. "OMO OMO!" when i see those pretty awesome cars on the road. I'm kinda obsessed with the sounds that the cars make. (Not like those modified cars that make so much noise, car move so slow-.-_
Anyway, headed out for a movie with Jiaqi in the night yesterday(: She couldn't decide whether to watch Fast 5 or Thor. Ended up, we watched 9.50pm show Fast and Furious 5. Then we headed upstairs for Thor at 12.30. Heehee! We only paid $8.50 each for 4 hours worth of movie. Sit till butt pain sia!
So, the blur to the max girl got to watch both movies that she wanted in the end. LOL! Thrilling uh! Heehee! I like mid night movies at Tampines for a reason(: Heehee! <33
Home at almost 4am :O Slept till super late today then wake up:D
Anyway, steamboat with Baixiang and Weijie and the steamboat place that Zara brought us the other time! Hees! It tasted nicer when i went with the clique the last time):
Guess it's true that steamboat only tastes awesome when eaten with a large group>.<
Watching elections now. LOL! Tata!
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