Been reading someone's blog. Emo posts all the way. Though i really dislike the person a lot, but i can feel the pain, the feeling of dying a little each time, every time a random thought of that person comes up.
All i texted, was a sentence out of concern, what i received, was something that got me major annoyed. I was annoyed, but i would say i was affected. 2 days in a row, i've received fked up texts. That's it, i'm stopping there. I don't wanna get more affected than i already am. So this time, i'll wait for you to text me. Maybe you should think about how you'd feel if it were you receiving such a text. Maybe if you bother you'll see things that you don't for now. So while you're too busy and tired to text or apologise to me, you have the energy to entertain her. Alright, i get it.
Nevertheless, baby's got his license on Monday! Heehee, i was so happy that i screamed at work! My mother called me a mad woman. But i don't care. Lalalala~ So, he took the car out yesterday to look for me, Zara, Kelvin and Jiewei at 445. Sent Jiewei home before heading to 800+ for ice cream! Happygirl92! But my dear boy is clearly worn out): Heart pain seeing him suffer at his ITP, but there's nothing i can do other than to give him a good massage every weekend. (Though i dread helping him massage, but i'm still gonna do it:/ ). When we went back, I LEFT MY PODDY IN THE CAR! Major emo-ness): Sad die me! ):
Ended up, i had to travel a lonely journey to school today without my poddy, lonely journey~ ): Lesson leant, never leave poddy in the car or with unauthorised person ( = everyone else ).
Heehee! I DYED my hair! Weijie and Sufea chose the colours! So yeah, brown again. Dreading brown. But i'm dye-ing this light colour so that the next colour that i can dye is ash brown, with a tinge of green! (Y) YAY!
Dinner-ed with BX and Weijie, OMG, long long time since i saw that army guy. Hees! After that met up with Zaralalala and Zhaode's gang. Kim Gary for supper! Too full to eat anything. But i wanna eat Kim Gary tmr leh! Cause Zara's Cheese baked rice looked awesome just nao:/ Talking to YX on msn now. Heehee, for once, he's being nice! (:
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