Sunday, October 30, 2011

Will you just fuck off?


It's been ages since i last blogged. And when i'm finally back, i have nothing but whinings.
Today, when i woke up, i wanted to go queue up for the 4S. Then my mum told me that the queue is super long, told me not to queue. So, i went to purchase it online. Being a happy girl, i happily bought it, scheduled delivery on Friday. Then, my dad came home in the evening to screw my whole life upside down, downright down. He told me he wanted a freaking bundle. The bundle came along with a $100 voucher and blah blah. So, i called Singtel to cancel it, blah blah. So that i could purchase it in stores, along with that $100 voucher. Then.... since Singtel doesn't wanna pick up my calls, i went down to store. Only to find out that the 16GB white was since available. I felt like killing myself man. But, it's okay. I can live with the color. But here is my dad screwing my life.

Windows to the soul

orientaltiger: (by Susanna)
Checked out this personality survey on Nadiah's blog. 

It's probably quite true. I just needed something nonsensical/ boring enough for me get away from this shit:/


You're comfortable expressing yourself in words and actions, with no self-censorship. You believe that if someone doesn't like what they see it's not your problem, but theirs. A high score on the "accessible" trait suggests that you have a lot of friends, socialize often, and enjoy rap/hip-hop music.
You don't see the need to keep your thoughts to yourself, or to have a zone of privacy that encompasses only yourself and a small circle of friends and relatives.


You are not a slave to your emotions. It takes a lot to upset or unnerve you. That's why you're a good person to have around in a crisis.
You don't let it all hang out, which means that those around you often don't know the pressures you're under or what you're going through. You're not the kind of person people run from in a crisis.


You are more interested in interacting with others than in being by yourself. For you, it is a boring waste of time to sit around, alone, and analyze why you are the way you are.
You don't prefer your own company to being with friends; you're not so interested in what's going on in your mind that you don't need to interact with others. And you get no pleasure out of sitting around, alone, trying to figure out what makes you tick.


You tend to give in to your impulses and indulge your cravings. Rather than fight your emotions, you often do what comes naturally, which means occasionally overdoing it, sometimes even embarrassing yourself.
You are not good at resisting temptation and avoiding overindulgence; you are not the kind of person who doesn't regret anything you said or did.


You would rather hang out with others than spend time alone, and you'd far rather be doing something with your friends than just sitting around. You're happy in a crowded room, club, stadium, or auditorium.
You're not a private person who is ill at ease in a group; you don't view excessive socializing as a waste of time.


You have a genuine interest in other people. You're a natural host, and are always thinking about how you can increase the happiness of those around you. When friends have problems or are in trouble, you're usually the first person they turn to for aid and comfort. Scoring high on the "warm" trait suggests that you are among those who enjoy domestic activities — doing things around the house — and are enthusiastic about charitable work, helping others, and making the world a better place.
You don't always say exactly what you're thinking; you don't like the idea of causing anyone pain because of your criticism.


You are willing to take the time to find out what's going on with other people, especially if they're in distress. You're a good listener, you don't criticize, and you offer unbiased, respectful, honest advice when it's requested. With a high score on the "understanding" trait, it is likely that you are enthusiastic about charitable work, helping others, and making the world a better place.
You don't feel the need to impose your standards on others or say things that, even though true, cause pain.


You are in touch with your emotions, and sometimes you react before you think. The good news: you don't tamp down your feelings. The bad news: you sometimes say or do things that you later wish you could take back.
You do not live your life on an even keel; you do not go for long periods without experiencing some mood swings.


You are a people person. You're much more likely to be found in the middle of a crowd than home alone. When there's a good time to be had, you're likely to be having it.
You are not necessarily happier when you're by yourself, and would not choose to be home alone rather than, say, in a crowded club with your friends.


You have a knack for knowing what's going on in the hearts and minds of those around you, without their having to tell you explicitly. People tend to turn to you with their problems because they know you care, and that you will likely offer good advice and a helping hand.
You do not feel that people with sad stories are just looking for attention, or have brought their problems upon themselves.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

When reminiscing gets the better of you

And I remember it all. I remember what shirts you wore, I remember the first text you sent to me. I remember your laughter, your smell, I remember the exact day of our first kiss. I remember every feeling I felt, I remember all the hopes I had, I remember everything I gave up. I remember how my life changed, I remember the things you said, I remember the first time you whispered those three words. I remember your shy smile, the way you played with my hair, the way you held me so tight I couldn’t breathe but I loved it more than anything else. I remember our first kiss, I remember the way your face looked so close to mine, I remember the way my fingers fit so perfectly into yours. I remember everything about you; your perfect hair and your gorgeous face and the way you could never do anything wrong. But I also remember the last day, the last kiss, the last text. I remember all the tears I cried, I remember feeling worthless, I remember waiting by my phone for a text that never came. I remember the lack of explanation, I remember being shoved away like I never meant anything to you at all. I remember feeling used and broken and like nobody understood, especially not you. I remember wondering how you could know everything about me, how I could give you every single piece of me and still not be enough for you. I remember each thing that made me smile, and each thing that made me cry. I remember thinking about you, dreaming about you, and wishing for you. I remember believing with all my heart that it would happen, expecting forever, and having my forever cut short. I remember drifting away from you, and drifting back to this relationship we like to call a friendship. But you and me, we can never be friends. There’s always been something more in the way we look at each other, and you know it. So here I am, looking at you, feeling all the emotions I’ve always felt when I look at you. I know we can never have back what we had before, but maybe we can start something new. I love you. And I remember. Tell me you remember, too.

Harry Potter vs Lord of the Rings!

So true right! :D

Saturday, October 22, 2011

I really need to blog soon. This space is getting dusty):

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

A 1000 miles away

Before i blogged, i had a ton of things to blog on my mind. Now i forgot everything-.-

Sometime back while i was on the bus to meet Jasmine, i saw this girl in front of me with wet hair. I was thinking.. "Ohh, so this is how it looks like going out with wet hair". She's like me. Cause i always go out with wet hair. Suddenly, Ricky came to my mind. It's just a sudden impromptu thing. Each time i think of him, I'll feel sad, and happy. He's not longer by my side. And honestly, i really miss him alot. Thinking of him brings back alot alot of memories. Like how irrational, how he does things without thinking much. Happy cause he's so special to me. He's irreplaceable, totally.

The reason why i was suddenly struck by the thoughts of missing him, is cause i like to go out with wet hair. He'll often nag at me for doing so. Each time at chalets, he would take a towel and wipe my hair dry for me. Though i don't say anything, Honestly, it's a heartwarming feeling. It's like anything said would ruin the moment. I like it when people wipe my hair for me. I just feel a heartwarming sweet feeling. At times, i really wish he would be here to help me wipe my hair again. The most recent one was when he came over my house to bathe and use the hairdryer. Seeing that my hair was wet, he blow dry my hair too. I wish i could relieve the moment. But he's no longer here, he's a 1000 miles away. He probably wouldn't remember this anymore? But i do, every bit of it.

When he left, he left me a letter asking me specifically asking me to remember drying my hair. I cried at that. I didn't do it.

He said that he's be back in probably 4-5 years, it seems to take forever. 4 years, not long, not short either. 4 years down the road, can he still remember?

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Sexual Educational Talk

Had a sexual educational conversation with J&J some time back. Total epic joke man! It's really funny and dirty man! Don't judge okay! It's all educational stuffs. Chatted about one night stand, woman/man can do how many times, HIV diseases, sex during menstrual period, guys can cum how many times, vigra and sex pills. Then I mentioned about men on average, can have sex 40'000 times in his life. The moment is said 40'000 times, Je went on to say "in a year" ? Then we burst out laughing. Cause we went to calculate, if a guy were to have sex 40'000 times a year, assuming he has sex everyday, he would have to have sex on an average of 109.58 times in a day, 4.5 times an hour. I mean, who can have sex 4.5 times every hour?! Then if you go sleep for 8 hours, work for 8 hours, when you get back home, you must immediately have sex for 73 times before you get back on track. Wtf right?! Okay, his sex drive must be damn good, or the woman figure damn zai to get him horny enough to do 109 times:O

Joke maximum. Then we found out that the origin of AIDs is cause some guy went to have sex with a monkey, that's why he contracted AIDs. And this slowly spread): Dumb guy.

Then, we invited lots of stares from uncles sitting around us. I know they interested and probably more experience laa. Hahahaha, Yes, we did say that out:P Then again, talking about such stuffs is an open public, nonetheless we are bound to invite these stares:/ And it all started with the aeropostale poster in Orchard that we told to be taken down cause it violates IDK what either. Personally i think there's nothing wrong with it. Apparently a DJ said that it might have hurt guys ego. Heehee. Cause they don't have the figure? :X