Had a sexual educational conversation with J&J some time back. Total epic joke man! It's really funny and dirty man! Don't judge okay! It's all educational stuffs. Chatted about one night stand, woman/man can do how many times, HIV diseases, sex during menstrual period, guys can cum how many times, vigra and sex pills. Then I mentioned about men on average, can have sex 40'000 times in his life. The moment is said 40'000 times, Je went on to say "in a year" ? Then we burst out laughing. Cause we went to calculate, if a guy were to have sex 40'000 times a year, assuming he has sex everyday, he would have to have sex on an average of 109.58 times in a day, 4.5 times an hour. I mean, who can have sex 4.5 times every hour?! Then if you go sleep for 8 hours, work for 8 hours, when you get back home, you must immediately have sex for 73 times before you get back on track. Wtf right?! Okay, his sex drive must be damn good, or the woman figure damn zai to get him horny enough to do 109 times:O
Joke maximum. Then we found out that the origin of AIDs is cause some guy went to have sex with a monkey, that's why he contracted AIDs. And this slowly spread): Dumb guy.
Then, we invited lots of stares from uncles sitting around us. I know they interested and probably more experience laa. Hahahaha, Yes, we did say that out:P Then again, talking about such stuffs is an open public, nonetheless we are bound to invite these stares:/ And it all started with the aeropostale poster in Orchard that we told to be taken down cause it violates IDK what either. Personally i think there's nothing wrong with it. Apparently a DJ said that it might have hurt guys ego. Heehee. Cause they don't have the figure? :X
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