Monday, May 26, 2008


paper ended at 12.45 today!
three cheers man!
Like finally.
But, the saddening part is, we still have study camp tmr!!!!
subway-ed with Sengie and went to Tampines Sports Hall badminton court today.
she played with them while i chatted with Wendy about stuffs.
Went home after a while.

Anyway, mama has been sick for days since 190508. she was already complaining pain since that day. On 200508, she went to the family doctor and he told her she had gastric flu. But, that was not the end. On 210508, she went there again as she was in great pain. ended up, she had stomach ulcer. On 220508, she was still very pain, so decided to go SGH for checkup. Got sent into the A&E department. Supposed to go for scope, didn't go in the end. Supposed to be admitted into hospital, but didn't in the end too. Stayed at home on 230508. she felt slightly better. But on 240508, her gastric didn't hurt that much. But her backbone hurts like crap. Whenever she stood up or sat down, there would be the awful sound of cracking of bones. Not the ones that we usually crack our finger. It's just awful. On250508, i took mama to see a 'doctor' (he's actually a magician to be more specific) at AngMoKio. After the 'doctor' rubbed the back for her, she felt better almost instantanously. It was because her nerves are pressing onto one another. Thus causing the terrible backache in the spine. Today, 260508, mama had an appointment to go to SGH for the scope. But didn't managed to get the scope done again as the doctocs feel that there might be something wrong with her liver. And she had to go for a checkup again on friday. Hope she'll be fine.

&王八蛋, 我恨透你了。我和你是亲人的事实令我感到很恶心。

200508, happy one year anniversary! *claps* this is just the beginning.

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