Thursday, October 09, 2008

I have been finding in rhythm, tunes and quotes, so try and describe what I'm feeling. I found the perfect song, the perfect words to describe my feelings. But then, thinking about again. They haven't. Cause the song aren't describing us. A relationship too complex. I never thought of any fairytale endings from us. I really didn't. All i wanted was for everything to stay as it is. Is it a request too hard to fulfill? I have no idea. Really.

我们的关系,难以理解。我们的一切,我没办法遗忘。我们的过错,外人没办法原谅。我们快乐的时光,你不肯让我重新拥有。我们的悲伤,不断的在我心上留下阴影。我的感受,你是否考虑过? 我在你心目中的地位,被人替换了。我们的结局,更本没有画上一个完整的句号。能不能够副研自己说因为这还不是结局?

hand in hand, hooked up arms. What is that supposed to mean? hooked up arms are nothing, hugs mean nothing much too. Perhaps, nothing means much to you. Pretty pretty, you knew. You knew how much ^they^ mean to me. So, could you please, kindly stop hooking up around and like f u c k o f f ?

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